Destination Wedding Thank You Poem Destination Wedding?

Destination Wedding? - destination wedding thank you poem

If someone is a destination wedding? If yes, what was it? Who was, and everyone pays for them or what you pay for a bit? Me and my friend talked about the Fiji Islands, married ...

I come from New Zealand and I live with him in Australia ... It will be difficult to get all my family here, so we got married in Australia and hard about your best man and friends, etc. get in New Zealand if we are getting married ... So we thought, why not pay for our parents and the best man and the Ministry of Health, to take the plane and get married on an island such as Fiji ... It will solve problems and have a honeymoon at the same time!

Thus, any good / bad experience with a destination wedding?



Miss_Au... said...

If you do not check the destination weddings Board. The ladies are very nice and helpful.

kneekey said...

Just go to your local justice of the peace and do something good for 1 year anniversary

gramof6 said...

Our son was married in Cancun last year.It all paid our passage, the best man and girl perfect.We of honor, his mother and grandparents, and 5 nephews and nieces, Oh, and a few aunts and a friend or two. It was easier when I married because I never did anything. The hotel is not the best show ever.

melouofs said...

We were married in the Virgin Islands (we live in the U.S. Northern) 2/23/08. It was the best deal he could do! Knowing what we know today would not change, one thing!

We offered to pay for airfare and hotel stay of 4 nights, all in our immediate family come (12 total), but eventually a total of 33, many people who do not pay us, which surprised us. We were all ready for a Thursday and Saturday morning were married. It was wonderful to spend much time together as a family to do anything except have fun. He offered us a welcome dinner on Friday evening, it was like a kick in the wedding. On Saturday morning, (all collected on the beach, we chose the temperature in the morning and why) the crowd. Our ceremony was beautiful and we had after lunch in the Caribbean steel band. Back to the hotel in the afternoon, all of whom rihgt back to the beach! We went to dinner with friends in the evening. On Monday, leaving all but the island and began toour honeymoon.

It was the most fun and beautiful wedding ever! I recommend this type of marriage, with a warning ... You can not enjoy this kind of marriage you must have tons of control over the information. They have not just doing it.

melouofs said...

We were married in the Virgin Islands (we live in the U.S. Northern) 2/23/08. It was the best deal he could do! Knowing what we know today would not change, one thing!

We offered to pay for airfare and hotel stay of 4 nights, all in our immediate family come (12 total), but eventually a total of 33, many people who do not pay us, which surprised us. We were all ready for a Thursday and Saturday morning were married. It was wonderful to spend much time together as a family to do anything except have fun. He offered us a welcome dinner on Friday evening, it was like a kick in the wedding. On Saturday morning, (all collected on the beach, we chose the temperature in the morning and why) the crowd. Our ceremony was beautiful and we had after lunch in the Caribbean steel band. Back to the hotel in the afternoon, all of whom rihgt back to the beach! We went to dinner with friends in the evening. On Monday, leaving all but the island and began toour honeymoon.

It was the most fun and beautiful wedding ever! I recommend this type of marriage, with a warning ... You can not enjoy this kind of marriage you must have tons of control over the information. They have not just doing it.

Jonny B said...

The only thing we insist on a destination wedding to a young couple as follows:

It can be a wonderful, romantic, but you can not be blamed, who does not or can not go, so you do. Participation in a destination wedding is a lot of people ask. Even if you deliver what you ask to use their vacation time from work to go into the holiday of your choice.

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