Ap Transpiration Lab Post Lab AP Bio Wards Lab 9 Transpiration Help?

AP Bio wards lab 9 Transpiration help? - ap transpiration lab post lab

AP Bio help! Someone please help! Anyone there?
Put these words in the left column
1. Collenchyma 2nd Parenchma 3rd Sclerenchyma
Found in stem -
thin-walled, many-sided cells
Dead at maturity
Thick, irregularly shaped
Photosynthetic cells
Leaf tissue ground
near the vascular


C_F15H said...

1. Collenchyma:

thick-walled, irregularly shaped,

2. Parenchma:

thin-walled, many-sided cells
Photosynthetic cells

3. Sclerenchyma

Dead @ maturity
Lignin contains

I think we are all in the trunk, and are in the vicinity of vascular bundles (xylem and phloem) ...

and I can not land on the fabric, because the sheet 1 and 2 are woven of soil ...

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