Bluetooth Rfcomm From Toshiba Laptop Featured Without Optional Bluetooth But Has RFCOMM In Device Manager?

Laptop featured without optional Bluetooth but has RFCOMM in device manager? - bluetooth rfcomm from toshiba

I bought an MSI U200 netbook Wind12 responsible for any Bluetooth capability, which was optional qualified. However, there is a shortcut for it and there is an LED), the (still does not turn on, so I think that there is no Bluetooth. However, in Device Manager, there are two instances of a module are RFCOMM, and if the Linux boot in verbose mode, "He says that Bluetooth is activated. Well, of course, there is Bluetooth, but is not available. I do not know how these To enable function, allegedly missing?


Anonymous said...

Go to the UR MSI laptop and download the driver for Bluetooth

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