Rebuilt Seadoo Engines When Rebuilding An Engine For A 1997 Seadoo Xp, What Is The Torque I Have To Apply To The Top Cover Screws?

When rebuilding an engine for a 1997 seadoo xp, what is the torque i have to apply to the top cover screws? - rebuilt seadoo engines

Anyone who has tried to build without a service manual in his hand a fool to the mechanic.


Froidrik said...

When you speak of screws, two torque specifications. and follow a particular order. Follow this link ... This service is completely manual also describes what kind of use Loctite and where it is most important! Do not listen to the way above me, who said they use their fingers.

krazybob... said...

A practical hand with the thumb around the head of the rack fit.

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