Dry Mouth Causes Is There Any Other Stuff Besides Diabetes N Dehydration Thats Causes Dry Mouth?

Is there any other stuff besides diabetes n dehydration thats causes dry mouth? - dry mouth causes

Two other things that is often overlooked:

The nervousness in some people cause dry mouth


Online nasal / sinus requires a person with dry mouth, instead of breathing in your nose, mouth.


jerzyson... said...

Exercise is a good dry mouth.

jerzyson... said...

Exercise is a good dry mouth.

Dchapl78 said...

Some medications can to dry mouth. and marijuana, of course. not that I know ....

chowduhs said...

Sjogren's syndrome causes dry mouth and dry eyes.

Tigger said...

Some people suffer from dry mouth when nervous. And there are other diseases that can cause.

rencar32... said...

Drugs can also cause dry mouth. If you started a new medication for depression or allergies that cause dry mouth. If you do not talk about all medications that the doctor could be a symptom of something else. In any case, increased fluids, brush their teeth, because often a dry mouth can damage teeth. Sugarless gum and mints are also useful.

Jody said...

Side effects of medications.

gleeloga... said...

Hiking in the desert

gleeloga... said...

Hiking in the desert

artform.... said...

, Smoking, alcohol leads to a dry cough in the throat ... Salt dries the mouth, and some soft drinks, also ...

baserunn... said...

Sex makes you very thirsty. This will not be a joke or is offensive! It is a fact.

j w said...

remains high

j w said...

remains high

Ruth said...

The drugs can cause dry mouth. Too much alcohol (the effect of dehydration can). Do not drink enough water or clear liquids (ginger ale), excess salt in your diet. When you breathe through your mouth while sleeping can cause dry mouth and sometimes a slight sore throat. If you are a smoker, this can have a dry mouth. For some people, when they are nervous about something, he can do it too. Is this a chronic problem? Help Chewing sugarless gum, mints or candies can. And, of course, remember to drink plenty of fluids. Hope this helps.

Ruth said...

The drugs can cause dry mouth. Too much alcohol (the effect of dehydration can). Do not drink enough water or clear liquids (ginger ale), excess salt in your diet. When you breathe through your mouth while sleeping can cause dry mouth and sometimes a slight sore throat. If you are a smoker, this can have a dry mouth. For some people, when they are nervous about something, he can do it too. Is this a chronic problem? Help Chewing sugarless gum, mints or candies can. And, of course, remember to drink plenty of fluids. Hope this helps.

~~ shawty ~~ said...

Well, if you want RELLY Knoww ...
Blowing grass or trees, "I know the true dry mouth and give us the munchies ..
KNOW What does the law !!!!!

Miles J said...

The smoking of marijuana!

Tobby said...

If my electric bill.

Tobby said...

If my electric bill.

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