Goose Hunting Equipment Goose Hunting With My 1982 Remington 1100 12 Ga. Skeet Gun, What Ammo Should I Use?

Goose Hunting with my 1982 Remington 1100 12 ga. Skeet Gun, What ammo should I use? - goose hunting equipment

I was hunting with Winchester shells Baroque only regular, but the pheasant is narrow and not very hard / heavy birds. Recommend that you give ammunition to the weapon is a weapon Skeet (she has a shorter barrel = widely available), if I shoot birds from a distance. Thanks


Anonymous said...

A second gun barrel is not as expensive, although they are, even to choke

Anonymous said...

Barrel length has nothing to do with the gas. You must use a modified version of drowning if the use of steel shot. Other types of strokes can drown other requirements.

Anonymous said...

Barrel length has nothing to do with the gas. You must use a modified version of drowning if the use of steel shot. Other types of strokes can drown other requirements.

Anonymous said...

You need a different course. You need full throttle.

Anonymous said...

A second gun barrel is not as expensive, although they are, even to choke

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